Demo is underway and OMG I can't see my backyard anymore! The bin didn't show on the weekend so they tossed all the garbage on the back lawn. I'll head outside in a bit and take some during shots so that everyone can feel my pain. Everyone? Does anyone other than me even read this? LOL!!!

Monday morning and the 7th of May, soon we go to the school to meet with the Teacher, excited and sad at the same time. I find myself just watching Gillian play lately and wonder where she came from. I mean I know she's my baby but she's just so big and it's so unreal still that I have a four year old.......gah what is gonna run through my head in another decade?

What's up for this week, nothing that I know of, Bo said he's gonna try for three days a week at my house so we can get the ball rolling and get us downstairs before the new baby comes, that would be wonderful cause I can't see myself moving junk downstairs with a new baby in arms, not that it will be fun with full on preggo belly, but at least it's getting done right?
Okay, off to make some breakfast and out to survey the mess......


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