Crazy crazy times.......

So a little while back, my mom bought herself a new toy, an electric bicycle...enough said right?
NO............she busted her hip last week, had pins put in blah blah blah....all the while still arguing with her "tenants" downstairs.

So I'm basically captive here as I'm the close one and nobody else can help her out, pick her up take her here, get her groceries, make her food..etc. Today I go down in a ripe mood already cause I'm tired and not sleeping again, find the dogs OUT the lattice to keep them in pushed over.........go downstairs to ask "geez how did that happen?" and start yet another war.

WTF? Girl you're 20something, grow up and act like it. I locked the back yard cause they keep taking my mom's bike(pedal one) without asking so they childishly push over the lattice so I have to spend an hour chasing the dang dogs around the area trying to get them back inside the house? WHATEVER! Get your stuff and get out now. I'm done with you. I'll have the cops come and get you out if I have to, friend or not...........GAH!!!!!!!!


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