Time flies when you're sleep deprived huh?

It's been almost two months since the littlest was born, she's a joy to us. Such a sweet little bundle of squirming. She got her tears about three weeks ago, first of the month or so, moved up to a size 2 diaper and is still in her 0-3 sizes. She's got the most beautiful blue eyes! I finally got my permatan blue eyed child.

G had her first school play, Melton the warm hearted snowman. She was an Elf and OMG soooooooooo funny! She was the loudest and the clearest of the jk/sk class. Her teacher said that if it wasn't for her nobody would have heard them at all.....LOL! I'm glad that she's loving her class, just wish it was a full day instead of only 2-1/2 hours.

E finally says his own name when you ask cute, comes out more like ICK than Eric but we know what he's after. He is velcroed on to my left hip most of the time now...I guess he realized that he's not the baby anymore...oh well, He'll always be my only son.

As for the rest of life...we're still waiting on the results from the lawyer(whatever) and life goes on. I'm still doing the Stampin' Up! stuff, just not pushing on anyone. I figure once the basement is done I'll have a "home" and I'll get going on the business side of it rather than just enjoying my discount... :) I did however make all my Christmas cards this year...but no photos of them other than the two already posted (I suck).

Less than a week to go for C's first Christmas and I'm just not ready. I'm completely happy with being done with kids, but knowing this time it's final, kind of has me in the dumps...strange huh? Oh well, as I said before, life goes on.

To myself, happy holidays, my gift is a healthy family and a Wii for my kids(ha ha ha) I'll be happy if they ever start picking up after themselves........sigh......



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