It's raining again......

In my world that is. I was down in my still unfinished basement (ran out of money) putting stuff away and I noticed this funny looking blob.

Interesting huh? Forget the stains on the floor for a minute, the last peeps were pigs and just look at the loveliness of this wonderful little blob....I think I'll call him Fred. Then I noticed that Fred has some friends.......

So at this point in time, I come back upstairs to google mushrooms growing in my basement. After reading so much information and basically crying my eyes out, I go and get the De-humidifyer only to be surprised by some more friends...Yup you guessed it. The unfinished washroom has a bunch of Fred's cousins or friends or whomever they are and they're having a party.
Those little funky blobs all along the wall are his buddies. Unwelcome guests seem to be a theme in this house. Ants, huge hairy spiders, racoons, name it they've invaded. I think we have a skunk living here somewhere too cause I can catch his scent at night...

Can someone please rescue me from the hell my life has become???


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