Hey there!

I'm alive and kicking. Notice I didn't say Alive and Well.

Kids are good, work is good, the rest........meh......

I find myself in this horrid loop of sober and drunk again. The sober days are amazing and the drunk days, well you know. I've asked and begged and demanded and nothing helps. He refuses to see himself as an alcoholic thanks to AA. WTF?? AA showed him the wonders of the DT's and all the ugliness of long term alcoholizm and now he decides it's not him afterall. What about the fact that one person alone can kill 12 in one day, that's a drunk. The need to have beer every day, that's a drunk. The fact that one often calls in sick to work, but it's really hungover, that's a drunk. Fuck you AA. Fuck you large.

I've been dropped as a SU demo, but I think I'm gonna go for the mini kit this week cause I want to. I've also found some peeps who will buy my craft. Isn't it poetic that now that I'm finally over it after two years I find customers...ha ha. Good one irony.

Other than that, I think I'll blog more often. I miss the verbal outpouring and the cleansing feeling I have once all the bitterness is out of my system.

Mary, my faithful reader, love ya miss ya!!!

A big fat OM to everyone else!


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