Here's another Em card.

Gah I love my Bella's! Poor woman emailed me in a panic last night cause some freaks were slagging her babies on the SCS board. I mean, if you don't like it, fine you don't have to, but why oh why would you go online and say, "I don't like peas, anyone with me?" Cause that is basically what it boils down to. Trying to start trouble with the Bellajunkies that's for sure. I think Em needs to do a junkfoodbella (bag of chips or bowl of icecream) a beachbum bella (on a loungechair) and definately the fattiebellas in all their different forms.
The lovely lady is known as Cosmobella. The watermark drink is by Penny Black and the saying is by Inky Antics.
I know there aren't any fans of my blog, but I'll keep on posting anyway. Makes me feel better....LOL