Time to move.......

It's soooooooooooo cold today that my furnace hasn't stopped working. It's -23 BEFORE the wind chill. BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!! And yes I had to go out today with BOTH kids in tow. Some moron actually asked me if it was cold outside while looking at my kids frozen faces and my beet red hands. Dorks...

Anyway, I've done the tests, booked the appointment and am set to get fixed. I was a little down last night, said so to Peter and was given a shock that first, he didn't remember my making the appointment and second that he said he would do it and get it reversed if we change our minds. And here I thought he was dead set on no more. Oh well. We can't have anymore in this house anyway. Two bedrooms doesn't cut it for three kids...LOL!!

Okay, I'm back to the blankets for a while. Thank goodness Florida is just over a week away.......PHEW!!!!!


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