
You know that feeling in the morning when you open your eyes to the sun? I don't anymore. My life is revolving around my kids and my marriage and so far I'm getting sucked down into a hole. I don't mean to say that my kids are killing me, just that I'm allowing the negative to bring me into a place where I don't want to be. For so long, I've bent over backwards and twisted myself around to be someone I'm not for an impossible person. Every change I've made isn't good enough or the correct one. How can I parent properly when I don't like myself anymore?

Strong statement yes, but painfully true.

I have made some hard decisions about the direction I need to be facing not only for my kids, but for my mental health too. I hope that someday, my children will look at me with nothing but pride and admiration for the choices I'm about to make instead of fear and disgust for what I allowed.

I deserve more.
My children deserve BETTER.
I can and will sacrifice for them.
I will make it alone..........


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