A Day in the life...
of me. Wake up at 6ish. Lay in bed thinking of what I'm to do next now that I don't have both jobs anymore and I can't survive on Bux alone. 7am, alarm goes off so I get out of bed. Get the coffee going, feed the cats. Wake the kids and get them fed. 8am, tell the kids to get dressed and ready. 8:15 remind them to get dressed and ready. 8:20 tell Eric he's going to school naked since he's still not dressed. 8:30 haul ass to the school in the van now that we're late and can't walk in time. Come home and pick up the mail. Open the mail as I'm heading up to pee. Make a horrific discovery. The city has done an end run around my ever so patient phone calls and sent my "arrears" tax bill to the mortgage company. Call the mortgage company on one phone, call the city on my cell. Wait on hold forever with the mortgage company, speak to three different answering machines on the cell phone. Find out from the mortgage company that too fucking bad,...