
I love mine.

My children exhaust me to no end. I wonder why they chose to drive me as crazy as they do. Probably because they can.

And then there are moments where I look at them and my heart aches from how much I love them and see how much they love each other.

This weekend was one of those.

I took them to Great Wolf with Peter (shocking I know) and watched them play. I watched my son wait for his little sister. I watched him help her climb on his back. I watched him pony ride her through the water over to the ladder. I watched him help her up the stairs and hold her hand up to the slides. I watched him make sure she was right behind him while he went down the slide and saw him wait for her at the bottom to do it all again.

At moments like that, I realize that I am a good mother. I realize no matter how out of control I feel, they are learning love and kindness from me. I can't be that bad after all.

Thank you to me children for reminding me what it is that is important. Not the things in life, it's life itself. To the three of you, I love you more than you will ever know.


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