
Showing posts from April, 2007

Day ONE!

LOL!! Demo hasn't even begun and yet here I am waiting and counting today as day one. The junk guys are coming over today and clearing out the basement and I'll toss in the front porch while they're here. Financing comes in Friday....YIPPEEEEEEE!!!! At this point I'm so damn motivated that I didn't even check through any boxes downstairs. I figure if I haven't needed it in the past five years I honestly don't need it now. Clean sweep is paying off! I've also settled myself down on the shopping front too. Slow it down and make informed choices and make sure we "need" it before I get it rather than just "OOOOOOOOH, I want that", maybe I'm finally growing up? GASP! Other than that, I'm just plumb tired. Supposed to be better by now, second trimester should be the energy trimester but nope, not yet. Kids are at the sitters so hopefully I'll get a quick nap in before I Have to go and get them back. Why oh why can't...


In the matter of minutes I went from seven something weeks to 12! I like that! Too bad the rest of it won't go that fast.....sigh.... The baby was swimming and kicking and waving at me during the ultrasound. Made me smile so much. Little heart was beating up a storm too. It's real. There is really a little one in there. I'm finally getting excited now. I wrote a letter to the baby this morning, I'll scrapbook it later with the pictures of the pee stick that I had to take..LOL. That should be a nice keepsake for the baby. I also went shopping today and got myself a cuttlebug and some embossing folders. I know I didn't need it and probably shouldn't have gotten it, but I deserve something nice every now and again, afterall I was at the store and only spent 3 dollars over my 25 dollar gift certificate and wouldn't have done that if it wasn't a stampapalooza day...ROFLMAO!!! Justify justify justify. Okay, off I go to get some more things done befor...


Finally got hold of the OB/GYN who did the tubal to book the ultrasound for dating...apparently I had one booked already on the 3rd of April......she told Peter.......ha ha ha....she said it's just like giving messages to her husband, they go into the great unheard. She didn't call me back with a new one, but at least I have her number and can now call and harrass all I want too. Here are my current monsters...see why I'm keeping this one?


Easter's over and everyone I need to tell now knows. Now I can be a sloth all I want and use my "but I'm pregnant" excuse.....LOL Unfortunately I'm so damn restless that I'm itching to get out of my house...sigh...need a second car, wait a second van would be better so daddy could (ha ha ha) take the kids out too...

6 weeks...

That's approxamately where I am. Only six weeks in and already I'm done. I'm done with the all day queezy , sick of the all day tired and sick of all the horrid thoughts that go through your head. My sitter just told me that her good friends daughter just gave birth to a still born child. Was at the doctors on Monday, baby was fine and strong, Tuesday night, no movement, Wednesday morning in to the hospital and inducing labour, dead baby. OMG I would die myself. What makes a child in utero die at nine months? With only days left to go, what could possibly be wrong with the baby that all of a sudden caused it to pass? Breaks my heart to even consider it. Wouldn't that be my luck? To go through the torture of an unexpected pregnancy that seems to be destined to be (survived the pill and the tubal) only to have it expire so close to the end of the road....shudder to even consider.... Okay enough of the morbid thoughts...six weeks, that means about 13 to go before...

Geez, thanks....

So today I go to my sleep specialist. An hour to get there on the bus, an hour and a half back, 2.75 each way...all for him to say,well, there's nothing else I can recommend for you right now. You're welcome to come back after your pregnancy.... Why is it that doctors think you have nothing better to do than waste the day on them? I'm still waiting for a good nights sleep, maybe one day I'll get one.

Why is it...

That there is never enough? Never enough time in the day to do all that needs to be done, never enough food in the fridge, never enough money in the bank... Why is it that right now I would kill for someone to come over and take my kids for a couple days so I could possibly find some more time and definitely more sleep. I need some stuff done around here, we got a quote done for the windows and geez that's gonna be a pretty penny...worth it in the long run but gah who has that sitting in the bank waiting for someone to spend? Still need to do the basement too, will have peeps doing that for us but will still need to pay the peeps too. Nothing is free. I'm just thankful that my peeps are friends and will do an awesome job, seen their work and have complete faith that things will be done right and done excellent. Now where is that lotto ticket with the winning numbers???

Home finally...

Well we survived the trip to Florida and all points in between. Met with some longtime friends that I've never met face to face before and that was awesome. Got there and back in one piece and with mom none the wiser about number 3 hiding. Now that we're set on this path, I'm freaking out. I can barely keep up with the two that I have without adding another to the mix. Not to mention the lack of space in our house...oh well, we'll have to make it work one way or another. Home and in desperate need of some space and some creativity, I need to make 12 cards for Saturday with either the Mothers Day theme or with a specific stamp set. I'll do the stamp set since I have those already....LOL Post when they're done of course.