Why is it...

That there is never enough? Never enough time in the day to do all that needs to be done, never enough food in the fridge, never enough money in the bank...

Why is it that right now I would kill for someone to come over and take my kids for a couple days so I could possibly find some more time and definitely more sleep.

I need some stuff done around here, we got a quote done for the windows and geez that's gonna be a pretty penny...worth it in the long run but gah who has that sitting in the bank waiting for someone to spend? Still need to do the basement too, will have peeps doing that for us but will still need to pay the peeps too. Nothing is free. I'm just thankful that my peeps are friends and will do an awesome job, seen their work and have complete faith that things will be done right and done excellent. Now where is that lotto ticket with the winning numbers???


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