6 weeks...

That's approxamately where I am. Only six weeks in and already I'm done. I'm done with the all day queezy, sick of the all day tired and sick of all the horrid thoughts that go through your head.

My sitter just told me that her good friends daughter just gave birth to a still born child. Was at the doctors on Monday, baby was fine and strong, Tuesday night, no movement, Wednesday morning in to the hospital and inducing labour, dead baby. OMG I would die myself. What makes a child in utero die at nine months? With only days left to go, what could possibly be wrong with the baby that all of a sudden caused it to pass? Breaks my heart to even consider it.

Wouldn't that be my luck? To go through the torture of an unexpected pregnancy that seems to be destined to be (survived the pill and the tubal) only to have it expire so close to the end of the road....shudder to even consider....

Okay enough of the morbid thoughts...six weeks, that means about 13 to go before I find out what the hell it is. Better be well behaved, not like Eric and show me the dang goods......LOL...don't wanna have to call another one little shit for nine months......


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