Let the heavens sing


And now for something completely Different!

CRAFTS!  What is that you say?  Crafts on Carol's Crafty Corner?


I know.  But I've been knitting up a storm to keep myself sane and my children alive (kidding, mostly)

Here are some of my most recent items.

My Kyna Shawl

Zombie Vixen Fingerless gloves

Hell or Highwater Cowl

Star Crossed Slouchy Beret

Dionne Slouchy Hat
Cap'n Crunch

I'm super proud of myself.  I've made a couple pairs of socks too.  One for a friend and one for me.  The Cap'n Crunch went to a friend out in BC so I don't actually have a picture of the Finished project.  I'll survive.  It looks awesome on her.

I'm making myself another pair of fingerless gloves because the oldest has stolen the zombies.  I knew it would happen.  She kept coming in and taking them from me.  I'm enjoying the process of zoning out and doing nothing with my brain.  I need that dead time.

I've also finally (chorus of angels) learned how to read charts.  Now when I have to read a pattern that isn't charted I get flustered.  Funny isn't it?

I'm doing okay.  I wish I was better, but it's always been one day at a time.

Love to anyone out there still.


Rayna said…
Holy cats, you have been busy! Lovely work!

(and you have a blog...how did I not know about this?)
Carol said…
I don't know. Shireen knew. It's been here forever but mostly I was using it to spew bile. You'll see.

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