Goodbye my love

Once in a lifetime you are given a gift.

Everyone has pets.  Everyone loves their pets.  Some are even lucky enough to have pets with such personality that they capture their hearts in such a way as to become not just pets but family.

My pet, my cat, my child was so much more than that.

My baby, my sweet sweet baby was so so much more.

Sweet Smudge was a gift.

I can clearly recall the call from a friend saying her cat Taya was giving birth and she was freaking out.  See Taya and Bobo were brother and sister and she didn't even know that Taya was pregnant.  There were three kittens and what was she supposed to do?

I went over and there were three tiny balls of fluff.  One orange, one with Himalayan colouring, and one grey.  These tiny balls of fluff, so sweet.

Days pass and she calls again.  The grey one's eyes aren't opening.  What should she do?  I tell her not to worry, I will take her.  I will take the poor sweet blind kitty.  I'll take her sister as well, the one who looks Himalayan.

Well Smudge's eyes opened eventually, just late, but she never did meow a day in her life.  That was just one of her gifts.

Her beauty and grace, how dainty she was, how sweet she was, how she would snore so softly into my ear, how she would be so standoffish with the kids until they fell asleep and then snuggle up and keep them warm......

17 years, my love.  I kept you safe and loved for 17 years.  I wish it could have been more.  I wish I could have made your last days better, free of suffering.

I did what I could for you my love.

Know now and forever, that you will be in my heart and part of my soul.  You will forever be my special baby girl.

Thank you for being my child.  I will miss you terribly.  You will never ever be replaced.

Rest easy my love.

March 14 1995 - May 13 2012


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